Las Vegas Air Packages

Save When You Fly

Numerous air package deals are available because Las Vegas has excess casino and hotel capacity that needs to be filled. Tourists need to carefully search the Internet (comparing different options offered by various airlines, travel agents and hotels) for the best Las Vegas air package deal. Combining Las Vegas air packages with Las Vegas hotel deals is a great way to ensure that you save money on your next vacation getaway to this vibrant city that continues to grow by leaps and bounds.

Las Vegas has many amazing Vegas air package deals to choose from because it needs to fill present vacant hotel and casino space, while ensuring that future construction projects remain viable. The struggling economy has reduced tourist traffic on entertainment and gaming industries, hitting Las Vegas very hard. Some airlines are offering 50 – 70% off of Vegas air packages to generate the tourist interest for the present and future real estate gaming projects.

Las Vegas air package deals should be more abundant due to the dire economic statistics: in June of 2009, Las Vegas unemployment reached 12.3%, which was nearly twice as high as the June 2008 rate of 6.3%. Some suggest that the “real” figure might be closer to a 20% unemployment rate, which has demanded that Vegas leaders work together to ensure that the city remains a top destination by reducing hotel prices, restaurant prices and offering more affordable Vegas air packages. Many major casino projects (which all are hoping to recover the large amounts of money invested in these real estate endeavors) are slated for opening in 2010, thus Las Vegas airlines are slashing prices on air packages to ensure that tourist traffic continues to be high for the Las Vegas shopping outlets, buffet restaurants and casinos.

Do your research carefully, comparing all of the options for your air package there are many great offers. As long as the Las Vegas economy struggles to fill the restaurant, show and casino seats, the affordable Vegas air package deals will abound.