How to Link to Vegas Best Deals

Complete Recovery welcomes any links from related websites on the web. Webmasters do not need to ask permission to create a link to Vegaszilla but we do ask that the following simple guidelines be followed.

Using our standard link text

We prefer that webmasters link to us using the link provided below. If you feel a more specialized link to a specific page would fit, that is fine. But, if you are linking directly to the homepage, we would prefer that you use the link text below. Just copy and paste the code below onto your site.

<a href=””>All you need to know about Las Vegas!</a>

Linking to the right content

This website contains many highly-targeted content pages which cover a wide variety of topics. It is our belief that being specific with links creates a better user experience for everyone. Use the menu on the left of this page to navigate our site and find the page that would make most sense for you to link to.

Exchanging links

Vegaszilla will consider exchanging links with websites compatible with our general topic, provided your site meets our quality standards. For a list of current link partners, visit our Resources Page.

Before submitting a request to exchange links with Vegaszilla, please review the points below:

  • Your website must already contain a link to Vegaszilla before we review it. Please see our create-a-link area above to copy and paste the HTML code to our link.
  • You must provide a link directly to that does not contain any other parameters except our direct web address. We want to ensure that search engine crawlers are able to easily read the link between our sites.
  • The page that contains the link to Vegaszilla must have fewer than 40 other outbound links on the page.

You may send a link exchange request to Vegaszilla by sending a short e-mail to Please ensure you send your name, contact details, web address, website name and the location of the Vegas Best Deals link on your web page. You may also provide a desired link title and description for us to use when linking to your site.

Thank You.